Eves Corner, Danbury, CM3 4QB 01245 225876 info@bakersofdanbury.co.uk

Health and Safety

Bakers of Danbury puts the health and safety of all its employees, sub-contractors, clients and the public at the top of its list of priorities.

The company’s Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Manager, Dan Shaw, is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the health and safety procedures in place, as well as ensuring the company and its sites are fully compliant with the HSE. Dan’s time is split between site visits monitoring our activities, and being office based, setting policies and organising training.

We also employ the services of the Eastern Builders Safety Group, who provide guidance and support on all aspects of Health and Safety in construction to help its members manage this crucial area of responsibility, with an ardent and professional approach.

Established in 1977, the Eastern Builders Safety Group was set up by builders to work with builders. It has grown into the largest construction safety group in the south eastern counties and London. The Eastern Builders Safety Group has a number of accreditations including membership to RoSPA, British Safety Council, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Quality Policy Statement

It is the Policy of Bakers of Danbury Ltd to provide a high quality, professional and efficient service in order to ensure the satisfaction of all of its interested parties. This Quality Policy Statement will result in securing efficiency, a strong customer focus and the enhancement of long-term sustainability and profitability within the business. 

Senior management will show leadership and commitment and acknowledge responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating, and maintaining the Quality Management System (QMS).  Bakers of Danbury undertakes to ensure that sufficient resources are made available to achieve this.

It also undertakes to ensure through communication, engagement, practical example and training that Quality is the aim of all employees of the Company. 

Through direction and support, each employee will have a proper understanding of the importance of the QMS, their responsibility to contribute to its effectiveness and its direct relevance to the success of the Company.

Equally, every employee is responsible for and will be trained in the duties required by his or her specific role.

Bakers of Danbury has a Policy of promoting continual improvement and setting of quality objectives in line with the framework laid down within the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. These objectives will address the risks and opportunities within the Company, as determined by senior management.

Bakers of Danbury hereby certifies that the scope of the Management System and all associated documentation accurately describes the QMS in use within the business such as to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and all other necessary requirements.

Bakers of Danbury endorses this Quality Policy Statement and senior management acknowledge that responsibility rests with them to ensure that it is communicated, understood, implemented, and maintained at all levels within the business and ultimately that it achieves its intended outcomes.

Implementation Date of Policy Statement: 13 Mar 21

Reviewed: 3 Apr 2023

Dan Shaw

NEBOSH General Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Manager
