Bakers of Danbury were delighted to be the recipients of two awards at the recent Greater Cambridge Construction Awards, recognising our role in the exceptional restoration project of Bourn Mill.
Craftsmanship Award: Winner
Best Conservation, Alteration or Extension under £2m’ category: Commendation
Owned by the charity Cambridge Past, Present & Future, Bourn Milll stands as one of the oldest windmills in England and is an iconic piece of England’s Heritage. The awards, organised by The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service and the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry, celebrate the best construction projects completed in the area.
What the Judges had to say...
The Judges were extremely impressed with the Bourn Mill project saying;
“This is a truly remarkable project, which had us enthralled from start to finish.The process of restoration was incredibly complex and risky, requiring the suspension of the mill on temporary struts while the repairs were carried out.It is a deeply impressive historic restoration, with community involvement, to restore a working mill.”
Preserving a slice of history
Bourn Mill, is an open trestle post mill which supports its entire body weight on a central post further supported by a vast oak trestle. This unique design allows the mill to be pushed and manually rotated around the central post ensuring the sails face the wind. With only 50 trestle post mills left in the UK, five of which are in Cambridgeshire, Bourn Mill holds a special place in the regions heritage.
The restoration project was supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England, and by many individual donors and local businesses. The mill is looked after by a committed team of volunteers who arrange open days and tours all through the summer months.
Paul Revill, Project Manager says...
“We are truly honoured to receive these awards. This was a fascinating project to work on. Finding and executing the right solutions that would ensure its future life was critical and myself and the team are proud that this has been recognised. We are also delighted that our work has also become part of the mill history with the initials of our craftsman carved into the timbers of the mill.’
Find out more
If you would like to learn more about Bourn Mill and the charity Cambridge Past, Present and Future, please click here.
Bakers of Danbury win two awards for Bourn Mill restoration project
Bakers of Danbury were delighted to be the recipients of two awards at the recent Greater Cambridge Construction Awards, recognising our role in the exceptional restoration project of Bourn Mill.
Craftsmanship Award: Winner
Best Conservation, Alteration or Extension under £2m’ category: Commendation
Owned by the charity Cambridge Past, Present & Future, Bourn Milll stands as one of the oldest windmills in England and is an iconic piece of England’s Heritage. The awards, organised by The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service and the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry, celebrate the best construction projects completed in the area.
What the Judges had to say...
The Judges were extremely impressed with the Bourn Mill project saying;
“This is a truly remarkable project, which had us enthralled from start to finish. The process of restoration was incredibly complex and risky, requiring the suspension of the mill on temporary struts while the repairs were carried out. It is a deeply impressive historic restoration, with community involvement, to restore a working mill.”
Preserving a slice of history
Bourn Mill, is an open trestle post mill which supports its entire body weight on a central post further supported by a vast oak trestle. This unique design allows the mill to be pushed and manually rotated around the central post ensuring the sails face the wind. With only 50 trestle post mills left in the UK, five of which are in Cambridgeshire, Bourn Mill holds a special place in the regions heritage.
The restoration project was supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England, and by many individual donors and local businesses. The mill is looked after by a committed team of volunteers who arrange open days and tours all through the summer months.
Paul Revill, Project Manager says...
“We are truly honoured to receive these awards. This was a fascinating project to work on. Finding and executing the right solutions that would ensure its future life was critical and myself and the team are proud that this has been recognised. We are also delighted that our work has also become part of the mill history with the initials of our craftsman carved into the timbers of the mill.’
Find out more
If you would like to learn more about Bourn Mill and the charity Cambridge Past, Present and Future, please click here.
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